Zirconia Crown Turkey Package Costs | Dental Crown Antalya
Zirconium Crown Turkey Price | Dental Crown Package in Antalya
With the zirconium crown, it is possible to achieve healthy teeth with a whiteness that will meet the expectations. Moreover, after the treatment, there is no linear structure in the form of bruising on the gums. You can find detailed information about zirconium crown in our article.

In which cases is zirconium dental crown applied?
What are the advantages of zirconium crown?
How much are zirconia teeth prices?
What should be considered after the zirconium crown treatment?
Frequently Asked Questions
Empress & Emax dental crown or zirconium crown?
Can zirconia crowns last forever?
Does zirconium tooth crown cause odor in the mouth?
Does zirconium teeth change color?
Is zirconium crown compatible with tooth tissue?
Will I feel pain/soreness during the zirconium dental crown procedure?
Are those who have zirconium satisfied?
How long does zirconium dental crown treatment take? How long do zirconia crowns last?
Does the zirconium crown fall off after the tooth is bonded? Will it break?
Who is good candidate for zirconium crowns?
Who is not suitable candidate for zirconium crown?
Do zirconia crowns look natural?
Is it normal for a zirconia crown smell?
Which is better ceramic or zirconia crown?
What is zirconia crown?
Zirconia crown is the treatment performed to functionalize teeth that cannot fulfill their duties and have various problems, and to give these teeth an aesthetic appearance that can meet expectations. This treatment, which is very popular among aesthetic dental treatments, is also known by names such as zirconium teeth and zirconium crowns. The light transmission properties of zirconium crowns are very high. For this reason, zirconium crowns provide whiteness to the tooth, which is similar to the natural tooth. Because of these features, smiles become more aesthetic. Although zirconium crowns do not contain metal mixtures, they are very durable and have a very long life. One of their most important features is that they do not cause gingival bruising seen in crowns containing metal content.They provide a natural appearance to the teeth due to their ability to transmit light at a high level.
In which cases is zirconium dental crown applied?
It is the dentist who will best determine who can have a zirconium crown. In this regard, first of all, a dentist should be examined. However, the information we will provide below about who can have this treatment and for which teeth zirconium crown is suitable can be guiding.
- Those who want to have aesthetic smiles.
- Those who have discoloration in their teeth due to substances with different coloring properties, who cannot achieve the desired whiteness as a result of the whitening process and who desire a look similar to natural teeth.
- Those who want to make their teeth more durable and resistant.
- Those who have small gaps between their teeth and those who want to close these gaps.
- Those who have crooked teeth can have zirconium crown after correcting these teeth.
- People whose teeth are damaged due to different reasons (such as fractures, abrasions) can overcome these problems with zirconium crown.
- In cases where the structure and color of the filling change and an undesirable appearance occurs after filling,
- Situations where long bridge treatments are required due to the defect in their teeth,
- Those who prefer to cover the all on four implant or all on 6 dental implant with porcelain after having an implant.
- Those who have decayed teeth and want to have crown after caries treatment.
- Some crowns may cause allergies as they contain metal. For this reason, zirconium crown (because it does not contain metal) can be preferred.
In addition, the following situations should not be ignored.
- For zirconium crown, the gum must be disease-free. Otherwise, gum disease should be treated before starting the zirconium crown treatment.
- For physiological development, the age of 18 must be completed. It is important for this treatment that the patient passes the age of 18. At this age, physiological bone development is completed. Teeth have also turned into permanent teeth.
- Tooth gaps for zirconium crown should not be too wide. If the gaps are large, zirconium crown will be needed for more than one tooth, and there will be no support for the tooth with zirconium crown. This causes the zirconium crown to be damaged.
What are the advantages of zirconium crown?
- Zirconium crowns pass light very well. Due to these features, they provide a white tooth appearance similar to natural teeth.
- These crowns do not contain any mineral content. For this reason, gingival bruising caused by metal crowns does not occur after this treatment.
- Zirconium crowns are preferred due to their durability.
- The heat permeability of zirconium crowns is very low. For this reason, they do not create sensitivity to cold and heat.
- Metal-containing crowns may cause a metallic taste in the mouth. Since zirconium crowns do not contain metal, this taste does not occur.
- They cause an aesthetic appearance due to the whiteness they provide.
- People with metal allergy can have this treatment without hesitation.
- The amount of tooth abraded during the zirconium crown treatment is very small.
- If oral and dental care is done well, they are used for a very long time.
- In cases where oral and dental care is done well, there is no discoloration on the teeth.
- Treatment time is short.
- Teeth calculus does not occur easily.
- Metal dental crowns can cause oxidation and odor in the mouth. These negative situations are not encountered in zirconium crown.
What are the disadvantages of zirconium crown?
When zirconia teeth were first used, situations that could be called disadvantages were encountered. However, these disadvantages have been eliminated with the developments in technology. However, some people who want to have their teeth covered are hesitant. Questions such as "Is the crown good" "Is zirconium harmful" are a matter of curiosity. There is no need to worry about zirconium crown damages and zirconium crown disadvantages. Because there is no negative aspect of consciousness. Zirconium crowns may not be durable enough for very long bridges. Because support will be weak. It can also be considered as a disadvantage that it is priced higher than crowns with metal support. However, considering that metal-containing crowns do not have most disadvantages, this disadvantage is not worth considering.

What are the prices of zirconium dental crowns?
Its price is relatively high compared to standard metal-containing crowns. Posting the price on the internet is against the criteria set by the Ministry of Health. The price may vary from person to person. The most accurate approach is to learn the price as an examination to the dentist. Below you can see some parameters that affect the price. If you want to get zirconia crown with all on four or all on 6 dental implants, it can be expensive for you.
- Extra treatments before the crown process increase the cost
- The property of zirconium and the amount used are important
- Dentist's price policy is important
- Dollar/Euro rates
Diseases of the teeth or gums may be present. The zirconium crown process cannot be started before these are treated. These processes increase the price of the crown by causing extra costs.
Zirconium is an imported product. For this reason, it is a product with a high price, although it varies according to its quality.
If the dentist has done too many successful crowns, he may want to reflect this in the price. That is, the knowledge and experience of the physician is important. The price of zirconium crown between clinics may vary due to the price policy of the physician.
Since zirconium material is imported, it is affected by exchange rates.
You can contact us to be examined and to learn the price of zirconium crown.
How is zirconium crown treatment done?
The procedures performed during zirconium tooth crown are as follows.
- The patient and the dentist meet, the examination takes place.
- For the zirconium crown process, numbing is done with local anesthesia.
- Which tooth will be covered with zirconium, the tooth is etched.
- For zirconium crown, the measurements of the tooth are taken and sent to the laboratory.
- Temporary crown is used until the permanent crown is prepared.
- The prepared crown is attached.
- Recommendations are given to the patient.
The dentist examines the patient's teeth and gums. Information is obtained about the patient's chronic diseases, drug allergies, some habits and expectations. If necessary, pre-treatments are carried out.
Pain is usually not felt during the crown treatment. However, if anesthesia is not performed, mild pain may occur in cases where there is a cracked tooth or a low pain threshold. In this regard, local anesthesia is applied to the area of the tooth to be crowned. It takes a bit of time to settle.
A very fine abrasion is made on the tooth to be crowned in order to ensure the required size of the tooth, to ensure compatibility with other teeth, and to effectively adhere the crown to the tooth.
Teeth are visualized using imaging devices. The smile test is applied to the patient. The zirconium color most suitable for the patient's tooth structure is selected from the color tool. All recordings are sent to the laboratory for the preparation of the zirconium crown. The crown is prepared by the technician in a period of approximately 1 week.
Temporary crowns are used until permanent crowns arrive from the laboratory.
After meeting with the patient and getting his approval, the prepared crown is put on. In some cases, the crown prepared for the patient is not fully adhered to the tooth. The patient tries to cover for 1 week. After the patient's consent is obtained, full bonding can be done.
The dentist informs the patient for the longevity of the crown and for good oral and dental health.
What should be considered after the zirconium dental crown treatment?
After the zirconium crown treatment, some issues need to be considered. If these boards are taken care of, the life of the crown increases and the eating and drinking activities are carried on without any problems.
- People who have the habit of grinding their teeth should try to leave these habits as much as possible. Since this habit is made especially at night, using night plates can also be a solution. Otherwise, the crowns may be damaged.
- The habit of putting a pencil in the mouth or keeping the hairpins in the mouth during the hair editing process are also wrong behaviors that can damage the crowns.
- When eating hard-shelled foods, there may be high pressure on the crown. In this case, the crown may be damaged.
- Care should be taken not to damage the crown when eating fruits such as sour cherries and cherries that contain seeds.
- It should not be forgotten that sticky foods such as chewing gum and paste can apply pressure to the crown and dislodge it.
- It should not be forgotten that excessive consumption of foods or beverages with high acidity may damage the special dental adhesives used while crowning as far as possible, such foods should be consumed less.
- Oral and dental care should be done at regular intervals. Daily brushing, the use of an interface brush, the use of mouthwash should be made a habit.
- The dentist should be examined at regular intervals of 6 months.
- Bottle and can caps should not be opened using threads.
- Protective material should be used for the teeth in order not to be damaged while doing martial arts.
Frequently Asked Questions about Zirconia Crown in Antalya, Turkey
- Their durability is partially different.
- There is a difference in terms of use in large molars.
- In terms of the aesthetic beauty they add to the appearance of the teeth.
- In terms of use in bridges
It can be said that zirconium is relatively more resistant than other types of crowns.
The type of crown that can be used on all teeth is zirconium. Of the other types of crowns, especially the Empress crown is used less frequently on the molars at the back of the mouth due to its relatively low resistance. It can be used on premolars. Emax crown, on the other hand, can also be used on molars, although it is not preferred much.
The aesthetic appearance that Empress & Emax crowns add to the teeth is slightly better than zirconium. However, it cannot be said that there is a significant difference between them. Zirconium crown can also be used for anterior teeth. However, it is mostly preferred in posterior molars (because it is heavily loaded).
Empress & Emax crowns are not preferred in bridges. Zirconium crowns can be used instead of standard metal-containing crowns.
The life of the zirconium dental crown is affected by the behaviors we have mentioned above and the do's and don'ts. Compliance with the recommendations of the physician will also increase the life of the crown. In this respect, it is not possible to give an exact time about the zirconium tooth life. With careful attention and regular oral care, the crown can be used for 10-30 years. Gum diseases such as gingivitis and periodontitis can reduce this period. In cases where oral, dental and gingival care is not taken care of, the life of the crown may decrease up to 10 years.
Since there is no metal content in the body of zirconium dental crowns, there is no taste or odor formation in the mouth. Undoubtedly, in the formation of bad breath, food residues remain in the mouth and stink. Brushing the teeth, using an interface brush, dental floss and mouthwash is important in this regard. Failure to do routine oral and dental care may cause odor in zirconium users. Tonsil diseases, fungal infection in the mouth can also cause bad odor. Zirconium itself does not smell, but these negative situations described can cause odor in the mouth.
Our natural teeth, which have not undergone any procedure or treatment, are easily affected by coloring agents. There is no rough structure on the surface of the zirconium crown. This flat and artificial crown is not easily affected by different types of coloring matter (such as tea, coffee, cigarettes). Due to the specified properties of the zirconium crown (flat and slippery), food residues are not collected and accumulated on it. Since there will be no significant food accumulation, yellowing or darkening of the teeth is not observed. As we mentioned before, if routine oral care is not done regularly and properly, a layer may form on the tooth. This layer can be easily cleaned. It is a cleaning that the dentist can do in a few minutes.
Since it is compatible with the tooth tissue, it is not perceived as any foreign substance. Zirconium crown does not contain metal and is compatible with the body structure, as well as does not cause taste, odor in the mouth, and even purplish discoloration where the teeth and gingiva meet. Bleeding and tooth extraction due to zirconium in the mouths of people using this crown are also not seen (if there is no other disease). Patients with metal allergies can safely have this crown done.
Before starting the zirconium crown, local anesthesia is performed. For this reason, since the area is anesthetized, pain is not felt during the procedure. The adaptation process may take several days. Sensitive teeth may have mild sensitivity. The patient will get used to the zirconium crown tooth in a few days.
We understand that those who have zirconium crowns are satisfied with the crown from their comments or verbal statements. Because zirconium crown has many advantages. These advantages create satisfaction in people and there are no obvious negative effects during use. Porcelain crowns with standard metal content do not cause color, taste and odor changes in the mouth. There is no allergy problem. It also makes the person happy in terms of aesthetic appearance.
Treatments performed before zirconium crown (if any) increase the number of sessions. The duration of the zirconium crown process may take up to 3 sessions depending on the person, the time spent in the laboratory and the physician's decision. The installation process of the permanent crown is very short. The preparation time of the personalized zirconium crown by the technician may take up to 1 week. The total duration of the treatment may take up to 10 days.
Strong adhesives are used to adhere the crown to the front surface of the tooth when making zirconium crowns. Cases of falling of the crown are rare unless there are very severe impacts. As long as the recommendations are followed, it is possible to use the zirconium crown for a very long time. Clenching teeth, grinding teeth, trying to break hard objects with a zirconium-coated tooth, consuming sticky foods, hard blows, combat sports can cause the crown to fall or break.
Zirconium crowns are dental restorations that are made from a strong and durable material called zirconia in Antalya, Turkey. They are an excellent choice for patients who have damaged, discolored, or misshapen teeth and are looking to improve the appearance and function of their smile.
The following are good candidates for zirconium crowns:
- Patients with severely discolored teeth: Zirconium crowns can effectively cover severely discolored teeth that cannot be treated with teeth whitening procedures.
- Patients with chipped or cracked teeth: Zirconium crowns can restore the shape, size, and function of teeth that have been chipped or cracked.
- Patients with misaligned teeth: Zirconium crowns can be used to reshape teeth and improve the alignment of a patient's smile in Antalya, Turkey.
- Patients with weak or damaged teeth: Zirconium crowns can be used to restore the strength and function of teeth that have been weakened by decay, trauma, or other factors.
- Patients with metal allergies: Zirconium is a biocompatible material that is suitable for patients with metal allergies or sensitivities.
- Patients seeking a long-lasting solution: Zirconium veneers and crowns are highly durable and can last for many years with proper care and maintenance.
However, it is important to note that each patient's case is unique, and a dentist or prosthodontist should evaluate the patient's dental health and cosmetic goals before recommending zirconium crowns or any other dental restoration.
While zirconium crowns are a suitable option for many patients, there are some cases where they may not be the best choice in Antalya, Turkey. The following are some examples of patients who may not be suitable candidates for zirconium veneers and crowns:
- Patients with severe gum disease: Zirconium crowns require a healthy foundation of gum tissue and bone to ensure proper placement and long-term success. Patients with advanced gum disease may need to address this issue before considering any cosmetic dental work.
- Patients with extensive tooth decay: If the tooth decay has progressed to the point where the tooth is severely weakened, a dental zirconia crown may not be a viable option. In such cases, the tooth may need to be extracted and replaced with a dental implant.
- Patients with a history of bruxism: Patients who grind or clench their teeth (bruxism) may not be suitable candidates for zirconium crowns. The pressure from bruxism can damage or fracture the restorations over time.
- Patients with a limited budget: Zirconium veneers and crowns may not be the most cost-effective option for patients who have a limited budget. In such cases, alternative treatments such as composite resin veneers or metal-ceramic crowns may be more suitable.
- Patients with significant tooth misalignment: Zirconium veneers and crowns can be used to improve the appearance of slightly misaligned teeth. However, for more significant cases of misalignment, orthodontic treatment such as braces or clear aligners may be a better option.
However, it is important to note that each patient's case is unique, and a dentist or prosthodontist should evaluate the patient's dental health and cosmetic goals before recommending zirconium crowns or any other dental restoration.
Yes, zirconia veneers can look very natural when done properly by an experienced cosmetic dentist. Zirconia is a strong and durable material that can mimic the translucency and color of natural teeth, making them a popular choice for patients who want to improve the appearance of their smile.
Zirconia veneers are custom-made to match the shape, size, and color of a patient's natural teeth. The veneers are also designed to blend in seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, creating a natural-looking smile that enhances the patient's facial features.
Furthermore, zirconia crowns are stain-resistant, meaning that they will not discolor or stain over time, unlike other veneer materials like porcelain. This ensures that the veneers maintain their natural-looking appearance for a long time with proper care.
Overall, zirconia crowns can provide patients with a beautiful, natural-looking smile that can boost their confidence and self-esteem. However, it is important to consult with an experienced cosmetic dentist to ensure that the veneers are designed and placed properly for the best aesthetic and functional results.
No, zirconia crowns do not have a smell. Zirconia is an inert material that does not react with substances in the mouth, which means that it does not produce any odor or taste.
In contrast, some other dental materials such as metal alloys can cause a metallic taste or odor in the mouth due to the release of ions and other substances. This can be a concern for patients who are sensitive to these substances or have allergies.
Zirconia crowns are also biocompatible, which means that they are not harmful to living tissue and are well-tolerated by the body. This makes them a popular choice for patients who are looking for a long-lasting, aesthetic, and biocompatible dental restoration.
Overall, Zirconia crowns Turkey are a safe and effective option for restoring damaged or decayed teeth, and they do not produce any unpleasant odors or tastes.
While it is not common, zirconia crowns can fall off. Zirconia crowns are known for their durability and strength, and they are generally considered to be one of the most reliable types of dental crowns. However, there are several factors that can contribute to a zirconia crown becoming loose or falling off.
One of the main reasons that a zirconia crown may fall off is inadequate bonding. If the bonding process is not done correctly, the crown may not adhere properly to the tooth, and it may become loose or fall off. This can happen if the tooth is not properly prepared before the crown is placed or if the bonding material is not applied correctly.
Another reason that a zirconia crown may fall off is if there is damage to the tooth or the crown itself. If the tooth experiences trauma or if the crown is damaged, it may become loose or fall off. Additionally, if there is decay or infection in the tooth underneath the crown, it may cause the crown to become loose.
Finally, if the crown is not properly maintained, it may become loose or fall off. This can happen if the patient does not brush and floss regularly or if they eat hard or sticky foods that can put excessive force on the crown.
If a zirconia crown falls off, it is important to contact a dentist as soon as possible. The tooth may be sensitive or vulnerable without the crown, and it is important to have it evaluated and treated promptly to prevent further damage.
The choice between ceramic and zirconia crowns depends on several factors, including the location of the tooth being restored, the patient's aesthetic preferences, and the dentist's recommendation.
Ceramic crowns are made from materials like porcelain or ceramic that are known for their natural-looking appearance. They are typically recommended for restoring teeth that are visible when smiling or speaking, such as front teeth. Ceramic crowns can be color-matched to blend seamlessly with the surrounding teeth, and they are known for their lifelike translucency.
Zirconia crowns, on the other hand, are made from a type of ceramic that is reinforced with the metal zirconium oxide. They are known for their exceptional strength and durability, making them a popular choice for restoring molars and other teeth that are subject to a lot of wear and tear. Zirconia crowns are less likely to chip or crack compared to ceramic crowns, and they can withstand greater biting forces.
Both ceramic and zirconia crowns have their advantages and disadvantages, and the best choice depends on the specific needs and circumstances of the patient. Your dentist can help you determine which type of crown is best for you based on factors such as the location of the tooth being restored, the amount of tooth structure remaining, your bite pattern, and your aesthetic preferences.
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